Submission guidelines
Subject Index
is Bob Rich's hopefully monthly rave about psychology, writing, conservation, ethics, sustainable living and whatever else may interest him at the time.
I have loved Dr. Bob Rich’s “Bobbing Around” for ages. I love it for the information I get about writing from Dr. Bob Rich and his friends. I love it for the resources I glean from the posts. I love it for the opportunities it offers writers. Even poems! But most of all, I love it for the environment-related content. It offers bragging rights, of course, but also a permanent spot where readers can find dozens of new books. In fact, it has practically opened a new genre for the benefit of the planet.
Carolyn Howard-Johnson, multi award-winning author of fiction, poetry and her HowToDoItFrugally Series of books for Writers.
1. From Volume 13, Number 4 (November 2013), Bobbing Around is at a Wordpress site.
2. I have restarted this index as of January, 2019. The previous index is here, cataloguing a huge amount of interesting information.
3. Even older, but still useful, you can access Volumes 1 - 13 here.
Click on the links below. Each will launch a new browser window containing an entire issue of Bobbing Around.
Hopefully, more will appear at similar intervals, depending on Bob's workload, which is pretty horrendous as usual. Nowadays, they come out on the twenty-third of each month, but no guarantees.
Want to subscribe?
Most convenient is to "follow" Bob's blog. (Depending on your email program, you may get better formatting by clicking on the title, and reading the web page.)
Alternatively, send an email to Bob, subject line 'Subscribe Bobbing Around'. In the body, state your name, your exact and correct email address (get it right), where you live, how you found out about Bobbing Around, and something about yourself.
Contributions are welcome, although I reserve the right to decline anything, or to request changes before acceptance. Welcome are:
* Announcements, but note that publication date is neither fixed nor guaranteed;
* Brags of achievements that may be of general interest, for example publication of your book;
* Poems or very short stories and essays that fit the philosophy and style of Bobbing Around;
* Above all, responses to items in past issues. I will not reject or censor such comments, even if I disagree with them.
Submission Guidelines
It is a FALSE RUMOUR that you need to buy one of my books before your submission is accepted. Not that I cry when someone does so.
Above all, contributions should be brief. I may shorten them if necessary.
Content should be non-discriminatory, polite and relevant. Announcements should be 100 to 200 words, shorter if possible. Book reviews, essays and stories should be at the very most 500 words, poems up to 30 lines. Short stories can be longer.
Author bios should be about 50 words, and if possible include a web address.
Each issue has announcements from several people or organisations. They are time-limited, therefore not listed in this index.
My bunyips are safe: 12th life: How I survived my 12th opportunity to die.
Everyone who has read Maraglindi: Guardian spirit has enjoyed it. So will you.
Lifting the Gloom: Antidepressant writings is an entertaining collection of short stories and essays... sort of, being a companion volume to From Depression to Contentment: A self-therapy guide.
You can now enjoy my 18th book, From Depression to Contentment: A self-therapy guide. This is the book that can change your life, whether you suffer from depression or not.
My 17th book is published. Hit and Run is now available for your enjoyment. You can read Chapter 1, and several reviews.
My friend and writing mentor, Florence Weinberg, has a weekly chat with Frank Mackay on his radio show, "Breaking It Down." She very kindly devoted an entire episode to talking about me and my work.
Alternatives to Amazon shopping
The rationale behind face masks will give you a laugh.
Help plan to save our future. Every Wednesday, Andrew Gaines and his friends conduct a globally available Zoom conference for networking and brainstorming on environmental action.
Tas Readings: work on your aura, dream interpretations, etc.
I've finished renovating my house at Moora Moora. You may enjoy historical and current pictures.
Medicins Sans Frontieres needs your support for their lifesaving work.
Weekly Peace Salon is a phone call away in the USA, every Thursday.
First aid for any problem can immediately help you. It is an essential, early part of my book, From Depression to Contentment: A self-therapy guide.
Here is a collection of answers to cries for help from people tortured by compulsions to kill people
I post free short stories at my blog at irregular intervals. Read and leave a comment. I am happy to consider stories submitted by others for inclusion.
Ask a scientist Conservation International can answer your questions.
Essays on writing:
Interesting posts on my blog:
Joe Zammit-Lucia invites you to help redesign society.
Sufficiency Thinking: Thailand’s gift to an unsustainable world
Thoughtful essays about the state of our world by John Scales Avery
Conservation and Environment
And Climate Reality has a free educational booklet about climate change.
A great many can be accessed in the listing of my monthly contribution to Rhobin's Rounds
Dialogue Basics
Comma tips
How to avoid ungrammatical sentences: beware of the ug
Grabbing pics legally
The resilient mindset, about an inspiring little old lady.
A beautiful stop smoking hypnotic script
A band-aid: Buddhist equanimity
Buddhism for Christians
Sin and guilt
Painting as if the planet mattered
What are the most important aspects to pay attention to that relate to sustainability?
Humanity at its best
A random act of kindness
A useful form of exercise
Difficult kids
The reason for all the craziness in our world: the work of John B. Calhoun
Where do souls of the population explosion come from?
We need courage, not hope, to face climate change
Amazon's new review policy: this affects every author and publisher
Cancer: the unacknowledged global epidemic
When fish cannot breathe
Restoring animals to nature will store carbon
Mushroom magic
Living the future we want
How can we promote environmental education and awareness, and ensure that people understand the importance of protecting the natural world and living sustainably?
Plastic cutting up wild birds — from the inside
Let’s talk about Nitrogen
The worst possible consolation
Lose the trees, lose the world
Another reason to do something about Poison Planet
A novel way to protect kangaroos, by Peter Preuss
Why we need a time machine answer to a Quora question
Greta Thunberg says, “Enough is enough!”
Wolves are river engineers
Net Zero: the great con
A major reason I oppose nuclear power
Scientists: this is a last warning
Evidence for climate change is OLD stuff
Elephants are environmental engineers
Houseboats, anyone?
The aikido of food growing
Setting land for nature aside does not reduce farm productivity
Fracking kills children
Live simply so you may simply live
Free returns: something else killing everything
Another way coal cooks climate
The greatest weapon in the green warrior’s arsenal reblogged wisdom from my dear friend Pendantry.
Too hot? Too cold? a guest post on Wibble.
WWF buys safety
Amory Lovins on saving a future
Small country, big step: Panama recognises Nature as a person
Holidays put a hole in the environment
YOU can micro plastic
Scientist rebellion!
Gas may be cooking your lungs
Less stuff—more joy
Effects of COVID on climate change
Carbon dioxide is good for us!
Climate catastrophe evidence (not that more is needed, but this is spectacular)
The fossils are still suicidal
George Monbiot nails THE PROBLEM
Murdering forests increases fire risk
I hope this pig of a fact won’t boar you
Protect the environment, but without cruelty
Don Lubov on how to deal with climate change
Can renewable energy save us?
Rain on Greenland’s peak
Submission on a new gas pipeline
How to survive climate change
Poison Planet confirmed
Are we just delaying the inevitable with climate change?
5 tricks you can use to reduce plastic pollution
Plastic for dinner?
Not nuclear
Michael Mann on floods and fires in my country
Sand: a problem that’s a symptom
Plastics: a reminder
Goodbye, glaciers
Gas is gasping but follow the money
A blueprint for survival
100 seconds to midnight
10 Sustainable Holiday Gift Ideas: a guest post by Shannon Sullivan
Going… going: extinctions on course
Incontinent container ship
Coal power: on the way out
Reforming the professional liars
It’s not only pandemic and climate catastrophe
Another reason not to poison your brain
Switch it off!
When did climate change become a concern?
My recommendation: move inland, to higher ground
New research shows we are destroying the web of life even faster
Why I do my best to avoid single-use plastic
Mont Blanc is a dangerous place
Japanese town cut waste by 80%, but…
The story of plastic
Can anyone STILL deny catastrophic climate change?
The Idle Off Project
Another reason to protect the environment
The drying out of SW North America
The planet is still on fire
Burnt Country: a Greenpeace report
Methane levels at all-time high
Crying for the child, a poem by Veronica-Mae Soar
Red snow celebrates summer in Antarctic autumn
Spend less money to save the world
Virus or no, climate change is still a bigger threat
New diseases are a predictable result of our attack on nature
No, I won’t jump off the planet
Does bike riding have a carbon footprint?
Bumbling toward extinction
How much can climate change affect us in the near future?
New report from the Club of Rome: PLANET EMERGENCY PLAN
Official: we must get rid of pesticides
Understanding the science: Australian bushfires
Worrying about future generations?
A picture says it all
Denial is terror under the surface
Rachel Carson was right The pesticide industry is killing everything.
Don’t be tricked into reducing pressure on the fossil criminals
Insect apocalypse
A person from India is worried. Please read my answer.
Yet another way coal is a killer: mercury.
What’s wrong with nuclear power, from Friends of the Earth
A trustworthy source of climate news That’s the Copernicus Institute.
The 20 companies guilty of ecocide
In defence of a fine young woman
Why is Brazil on fire?
You can SEE climate change here
Bayer/Monsanto is killing birds, too
Melting Ice Everywhere — Arctic Sea Ice Extent Hit New Record Lows in Late July and Early August
The Climate Arsonist
Why do so many people still believe climate change is a myth?
Why have some US states banned plastic bags?
3 new studies: Global heating is real, and we are to blame
Antarctica lost as much sea ice in four years as the Arctic lost in 34 years
It’s gas or your life
We ARE in the Plasticoferous Era
Understanding why extinctions matter
What can we do about the environment: an answer at Quora
Going, going...
GM technology is dangerous
New York again leads the world
Quora question about building a better world
Winter fires in Britain
Habitat destruction is suicide
Rocketing toward apocalypse
The canary is dying
The polar vortex explained
Cork is out of the methane bubble: rain in the Arctic is speeding climate change.
Collapse is already here by Chris Martenson
A beautiful must-read: an essay by Dahr Jamail
Still a chance for survival?
Killing Gaia from the bottom up
Planet on fire
That word "unprecedented"
More on Monsanto: following tobacco and asbestos
Powerful post about climate change
Eco-flying tips
Reduce your shopping footprint
Fascinating essay on water
2018 and before
Good News
Bully defeated: Greenpeace wins in court
You must stop drilling in our backyards: Sanity and decency in Los Angeles
Hawaii: Fossil Fuel Non-proliferation Treaty
Chile: New president, positive direction
Amazon rainforest protected in Ecuador
Food not coal
Not guilty, on the grounds that climate change is a existential threat
New York City is ungassing itself
Gina Reinhart, climate scientist
Harvard Uni set to be unfossilised
Bushfire survivors force climate action
Dove for the future
Greenpeace wins court case
No you can’t kill Europe’s bees!
Reincarnated Barbie dolls
Guilty under the law, but acquitted anyway
Renewables have won in the USA
Housework is worth money at last!
Solar benefits your neighbours
Cooperation beats intimidation
Terra Carta: Prince Charles leading toward survival
Coal failed — solar more than saved the day
European Investment Bank cuts off gas
FoE Netherlands sues Shell
Thank you, Denmark
Europe’s smoggiest city has decided to un-car itself
Undoing some palm oil ecocide
Attacks on our finned cousins halted
Small, local self-sufficiency works
Confusion to Big Brother
Good man cleared after 7 years
COVID19: Australian Aborigines show the way
World first: University of Queensland produces more green electricity than it uses
Oxford University divests from carbon
Hygiene and precautions are necessary, but reassuring news
The silver lining of the lockdown
One less coal power station
India will stop importing thermal coal by 2024
Great Australian Bight SAVED
A princely prize for environmental solutions
A better way to feed a city
Judge clears Swiss climate protestors, because climate change is a clear danger
Regreening of an island nation
Five climate experts with hope
Australian engineers look to the climate
Renewables winning faster than expected
Chubb insurance adopts sanity
Minnesota pays you to feed bees
Let’s all follow Ethiopia
Plant trees to save the world
Higher education declares a climate emergency
Monash University’s Net Zero Initiative
6 on board, 44 to go: US states aiming to be carbon-free
BHP knows about climate science
Killer Big Oil is closer to being sued
New Zealand gets rid of an insane economic measure
Cars don’t turn on youngsters anymore
Whales and sea turtles have a chance in California
Fracking is unlawful because of climate change
Law gains sanity even in the USA
ACF is an excellent global resource
Japan blows coal away
Law catches up with science: An Australian court has refused permission for a coalmine on climate change grounds.
Cash in that empty
Free public transport in Luxembourg
Pressure protects rainforests
2018 and before
Accurate view of housing crisis
15 minute city/20 minute neighbourhood
Nothing new under the sun: plot to overthrow the US government
A vision for a just and survivable world
Political allegiance can be fatal: a must-read
Win for First Nations kids
Be a citizen scientist: report ballot box vigilantes
Transgender: how any issue should be considered
Mourning the Queen? Here is another take
Solve two problems with one action
Who is winning the war in Ukraine?
Noam agrees with me
She was 11 and pregnant
Tying it together: Ukraine and the climate catastrophe
Nine years in jail. His crime? Approaching a criminal government.
She is one of my mob!
Putin claims Ukraine to be Nazi. Here are the facts.
The second American civil war
How will humanity’s owners respond to climate refugees?
George’s call to action, NOW
Bill McKibben has hope
Aim for the achievable
What kinds of protest are effective?
What’s wrong with nuclear power?
Yvonne Rowan on the second American Civil War
Four entries in the Greens essay contest:
Intersections of Suffering by Anna Sri
Scovid by Jon Cocks
The Allegory by Mark Pooley
The situation is hopeless. We must take the next step by David Feith
Robert Reich on taxing the super-rich
The benefit of refugees
IMF says, tax the rich!
Proof: Murdoch lies on climate change
The rage of a punctured empty vessel
A first for Scientific American: endorsing a political candidate
13 years of torture without trial
Alternatives to Killing People for the Economy Reblogged from Cynthia Kaufman
The 2020 awards for the very worst people of coronavirus
The new country of California
Labor politician’s call to action on climate
Bushfire liars are out in force
Powerful essay by Cindy Matthews
Understanding fake news
Israel and anti-Semitism
Even fundamental Christianity wants to get rid of Trump
Consequences -- the best teacher
Exxon knew -- but coal knew too
America misled: the climate liars
Stealing from people with disabilities from Peter Gibilisco
Wake up! Your house is on fire!
Recruiting youngster power
A picture is worth a thousand words. But pictures can lie.
They dress the Devil in God’s clothes
Australia’s REAL opposition
Who should be a politician?
Sister of my spirit
Letter to all candidates in my electorate
Getting priorities right
Decency wins
One pic worth 1000 words
Hungarian PM in a hurry toward extinction: He wants Hungarians to breed, in order to keep refugees out.
Germans want sane agriculture
2018 and before
Compassionate Action
How to reform a criminal
Little boy with a big heart
One cent gives a dollar’s worth of freedom
AFSC: a wonderful mob
Help desperate people in Afghanistan
I love this generous spirit
Beautiful writing about a terrible event: man fell from plane
You can visit the city of the kindness revolution
Spiders deserve love, too
COVID19 survivor saves lives
Definition of forgiveness, by Pragito Dove
Bullied boy became a star, and now supports a bullied boy
He closed his restaurants, and is feeding people anyway
Short boy finds people with big hearts
Being of benefit is better than having more money
The story of an enlightened spirit
The people’s architect
Greta’s wisdom Why I approve of Greta’s decision to decline a big award.
Compassion in practical action
Generosity defeats crime
2000 climate change victims saved
Only love can create peace
These sensitive, loving beasts should NOT be city pets
Radio host saves a life
2018 and before
People who Inspire
My favourite Pope is back again
Naomi Klein on the hallucinations of AI developers
Love is action
The real message of Easter
Post-traumatic growth: from abused waif to world champion
The generosity of those with little
The power of a hug
Inspiring recollections from Kaira Jewel Lingo
A young champion of the environment
My mob! Grandparents facing jail for climate protest
Joshua Bell on the magic of music
A Somali son of my heart
Super-duper marathon run nearly home
An empty chair will fill your heart
Having daughters is great
Hate Is No Match For a High Heel
The 4 Rs used in real life
A true sign of enlightenment
Why I love this guy (Bob Brown)
Beating Big Oil
Compassion in outer space
The Tsarina of Russian pop challenges Tsar Putin
An ode to cooperation
Chess as a ladder out
How to run a loving business
Hands across a border
Effective altruism
A LONG distance run to stop extinctions
Giving away dirty wealth
The right choice: an inspiring story of a woman’s wisdom
Every kid’s uncle is my mob
Happy birthday, Your Holiness
Teacher told him he’d end up in jail. Instead, he is now a supreme court judge
How to reduce crime
Her child’s death made her into a better person
A guide on how to be deaf in today’s world
Farm not prison for dementia
An honest politician
A lady to admire: Alanis Obomsawin
Religion and science can be best friends
Deaf ain’t stupid
A dying lady’s wisdom I have chosen to make the last words of my dear friend, Esther Simons, as a guest post, so they stay permanently accessible.
Only 23, but his dying words show his enlightenment
The Church of Stop Shopping
“Tax us now!” British millionaires have a heart
Hello Grandfather Bob
How to deal with criminals: all the world should follow the Dutch example
The more you give the more you grow: how you should run a business
Jacqui Lambie on being abused
Sound Eagle has adopted my eagle
Thank you, Prince William
Inspiring incarceration
A farewell speech from the heart
Stone axe finds its way home
Sports star shows what humans are really like
Go, Anna!
A mighty little lady: Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Dalai Lama and Greta Thunberg inspiring to action
Beautiful essay about a beautiful man, who is dying
People I am honoured to share the planet with
How to confront the double standards of misogyny
Book by homeless youngsters transforms lives
Leo is an 11-year-old Lorax
She founded a new branch of science
From trash to value: we can all learn from Nigeria
Kim Robinson and coronavirus
Two beautiful meditations, via TA Sullivan
One of Calhoun’s rats
Interview with Daralyse Lyons
A cartoon of love: the more you give the more you get
Angels from Jail
What would YOU do with a huge lottery win?
Simple drawings, wonderful message
The husband-and-wife team who may have saved the world
Three heroes for the environment
Urban permaculture helps a devastated country
A doctor’s heartfelt words
Two teenagers challenge the coal industry
Six champions for survival
The wisdom of a dying young man
If we all shared this lady’s vision…
I love this little story
Greta Thunberg inspires again
Another inspiring young woman
His business was set on fire, but he is of benefit in several ways
CREDO Mobile, the Carrier with a Conscience
Pope Francis: Divest from carbon now!
Courage and inspiration: infectious disease response in South Sudan
Grandmother power
6 boys marooned for over a year: what is human nature really like?
Avaaz: 10 beautiful acts of Love
Waiting for wings
An inspiring modern explorer
What money is really for: Quaden Bayles’ family shows the world how to be a human
Disaster relief that addresses the cause of the disaster
Two of my favourite young women meet
Basketball star is successfully reducing extinctions
Greta’s wisdom
Love and admire them both Two people on this planet everyone needs to copy.
How to protest: empathy beats confrontation
Please meet Georgina Byrnes, Farmer and be inspired.
Francis: get rid of nukes!
Two of my favourite people on this planet, shaking hands
Inner beauty
1% for the planet
Arguing over money
Paddle from California to Hawaii?
A plumber with a heart
Hand in Hand school in Jerusalem: we are all brothers and sisters
Microplastics: young Irish genius to the rescue
The best of human nature
Happy birthday, Dalai Lama
A true world leader
Will my daughter inspire you?
The environmental shopping portal
Human nature being what it is…
A 76 year old Greta Thunberg
Meet the Oyster Wench
Join the kindness revolution
Thank you, Dayton, Ohio
I've interviewed an inspiring lady
Old ain't decrepit
Basketballer scores with “irredeemable” kids
8 women to admire
Brown is beautiful: a Kenyan monk to admire
Better than survival
British farmer gains enlightenment
What money is for
Action Nan
Inspiring quotes from Martin Luther King
How to grow from a terrible act
Trees to save the world
Refugee kid wins Rhodes Scholarship
2018 and before
Counselling: answers to cries for help
Yet another notabuser
Inappropriate treatment
I have no friends
Am I a pedophile?
My father killed himself
I don’t know my own sexuality
The doctors don’t know what’s wrong with me
Flashback to childhood mistake
How do I learn to love myself?
Self-forgiveness therapy
Perfecting public speaking
Am I depressed or just lazy?
My in-laws are outlaws!
Their father killed himself — how can I help?
Quora answer to someone with too much empathy
Passed on the baton
I can’t help being affected by blemishes on faces
My thoughts are making me suicidal
Repeating thoughts are driving me crazy
I’ve done horrible things and am now having panic attacks
Breaking a terrible habit
My suicidal thoughts are torturing me again. What do I do?
Sexual urges for young girls
Tortured by sexual attraction
I am a paedophile and want to kill myself
That was then, now is now
A Thai little girl who kills ants
A loss of grip on reality
I feel terrible about the sexual games I played as a child and teenager
What should I put in my suicide letter (I refuse to call it a note)?
What do I do when I’ve gotten myself romantically involved with someone who is still grieving the loss of their girlfriend who committed suicide? He says he likes me a lot but I’m just not her.
A survivor of trauma in infancy
Why don’t I seem to want to live any longer? I don’t even care about other people or the environment anymore, even including my own family
Resolving guilt for a past action
If I could only die…
My dream job sucks
Dealing with terrible grief
13 and suicidal
I enjoy murder and violence, but refuse to do it
Cutting each other off
Why do I cry all of a sudden? I have depression and I cry often out of the blue for some reason. I haven’t thought about suicide, self harm, self doubt, and I still cry for no reason
How can I kill myself without having anyone miss me?
What can I do to stop hating a particular social group of people?
More self-assessed sexual abusers
Tortured by a sexual dream
I am no longer suicidal!
Can’t find reason to live within myself, help?
A few minutes of fun for an eternity of torture
I need help
All-consuming suicidal thoughts
I’m 11 and I have thoughts of suicide on a daily/weekly basis is there a way to cure it?
I am tired of being suicidal
Drug overdose is affecting my breathing
My mother doesn’t care
There is a terrible secret in my past
I want to die and nobody cares
Why do I hurt the people I love?
My parents are driving me to suicide
She pulled me out of depression
Contemplating suicide
War inside my head
My husband and son don’t get along
My past mistake keeps torturing me
Body Dysmorphic Disorder and beautiful people
Everything is going wrong in my life
How can I live with having hurt the person I love the most?
Should I stay or should I go?
Sexual abuse
I want to hurt/kill bad people
Tortured by guilt
I am raising my grandkids because my daughter is an addict
I’m so ashamed of my mistake!
I want to die so I can be with my father
I hurt because my sister is in an abusive relationship
Why am I still living?
My mother has become paranoid
Girls think I’m a little kid
I am suffering from my daughter’s BPD
Is there hope for a self-destructive guy?
2018 and before
Should I stay or go?
Grieving is something you do
Monster census: Ernest Dempsey discusses depression and its family
How to achieve self-forgiveness, regardless of what you did in the past
Sources of sadness
She fogged up my glasses
Palouse mindfulness
Learn from Finland: three tools of positive psychology
Inside bipolar, looking out
Toxic relationships
Crater lake guided imagery for inner peace
Restful sleep — not too much or too little
Living with borderline personality disorder
Do YOU have the Ability?
Synchronicity: relevant wisdom from Pragito
And more synchronicity from some “place” I’ve never heard of
Detoxifying anger a case study for If You Have Lost a Loved One
The psychology of mass murderers
Healing trauma with meditation
A frog story
First aid for grief and other all-consuming worries
Perfecting public speaking
The power of NOW the chapter on mindfulness from my book-to-be on grief.
Your body is only a space suit for surviving on this planet dealing with a horrific last memory of a beloved person.
Walking, boring? a fun form of mindfulness meditation
Unfolding guided imagery
Sex therapy for Christmas?
Night sky guided imagery
Tropical lake guided imagery
Smartphone or stupidphone?
Healing light from space body scan
“Be a whale” guided imagery
Eagle guided imagery
Loving all guided imagery
Waterfall guided imagery
17 facts about depression
Liana Taylor on anxiety
How therapists deal with climate anxiety
Relapse prevention
Forgiveness, from Pragito Dove
A script for insomnia
8 dimensions of wellness
The loneliness of Christmas
Message from a new grandson
Staying sane despite the news
Accepting the Unacceptable, a guest post by Penny Fenner
Irreconcilable differences
Social media trick people into overspending
Inside view of abuse
How to deal with anxiety
Is depression a chemical imbalance?
How to raise children: A speech at Toastmasters 20 years ago
Genetics of mental disorders: one side of the coin
Ways to Boost and Improve Memory by Julia Morrissey
How well are you coping? Take this test at Queendom
A 50-word entry
You may benefit from reading my answer to a suicidal young woman’s cry for help
How To Stay Calm When You’re Anxious About Coronavirus (or anything else!)
No, I won’t jump off the planet
How to talk to anyone on a controversial topic
Suicide attempts can make things worse
The onion and the pearl
Denial is terror under the surface
What point is there in living if humans have destroyed the planet and there’s nothing good left in it?
Anxiety help
Positive psychology
Dealing with difficult kids: a podcast
Helping a victim of bullying
What do children think about climate change?
Featured in a podcast Bob Pessemier asked me all about depression, and how to get rid of it.
Happiness vs. contentment
Sad and grumpy
The Effects Death, Traumas And Disasters Have On Mental Health
“Grandsons” doing well
The psychology of denial
Magic mushrooms for depression
Support for people experiencing PTSD, by Doug Briscoe
The effects of sleep deprivation, by Kelly Patricci
Child raising for a better world
Trauma help from Dorothy Watson
Dope drags you down: Teenage smoking of marijuana leads to adult depression.
A beautiful essay about a brutal sport
The more you give, the more you get
2018 and before
Philosophy -- understanding our world and ourselves
Confucius quotes
How to be a friend when disaster strikes
Toddlers would make excellent politicians
Laurent Grenier: The meaning of life is being part of nature
Universal Public Services: the Power of Decommodifying Survival, by Jason Hickel
How to align with your higher self
Live forever? What a terrible idea!
Told you so! Bees are people too
Is all life intelligent?
A blessing, by Tom Hope
Plants are people, too
An old interview, still worth reading
The benefit of loving even monsters
Nonviolent living
Kindness and cooperation are hard-wired
The Qur’an forbids terrorism
Creativity is the nectar of the gods, by Don Lubov
Philosophy in juvenile jail
Have you ever heard of Bodhi Day?
Alzheimer’s: we are not alone!
Instant inner peace
A spiritual hope
Killing animals
Implications of karma
Eight-legged wisdom
Listen, Contemplate, Meditate
Grassroots Manifesto Don Lubov’s guest post for August
Spirituality Manifesto Don Lubov’s guest post for July
Equanimity is a form of love
Making decisions with 300 neurons
Mass murder: the need for compassion to all
A Peaceful Proposal a guest post by Don Lubov
How to become enlightened
Pragito Dove on forgiveness
Our fellow people: trees
A common prosperity for planet Earth A guest post by Duncan Dean
I, Orc
Chattering fungi
The power of Buddhist philosophy 5 teachers show how to purify the mind of the “3 poisons.”
Training to be a Bodhisattva
Don Lubov’s 6-step path to inner peace
Ecological collapse
Freedom vs. responsibility
Aussie bird brains trick scientists
Now is the need for equanimity how I cope with the war in Ukraine.
Fun with fluids
Lloyd agrees with me
I am now a fan of Tom Murphy
War is NOT an inherent part of human nature
Putting things in context: link to a short post that may make you think for a long time.
Want to understand why economics is science fiction?
Bird brain?
Is certainty worth anything?
Lessons from Taoism: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times reblogged from Andrew.
Offgrid community living
Sweat the small stuff, by Lauren E. Persons
Will swatting flies, mosquitos and cockroaches make a bad karma?
Smart little people in the sea
Eating a factory-farmed animal is like eating suffering
Are we God’s puppets? A guest post at Kevy’s blog
Mindfulness meditation resource
Guided meditation Monday evenings
Two beautiful meditations, via TA Sullivan
One of Calhoun’s rats
Laurent Grenier’s improved talk
Cindy Davis shows the path to inner peace
$1000 bet: the end or not the end
The Grassroots Manifesto, by Don Lubov
More evidence: trees are people too
And fish that have domesticated a shrimp!
You don’t need a big brain to be smart
Biosphere Earth, by Chris Searles
The What’s Important Manifesto, by Don Lubov
Wisdom every day
The truth of sacred writings
You CAN do it — the requirement is persistence
Inspiring Transition: Climate anxiety in kids, by Andrew Gaines
Feathered people
Economics for People: a wonderful essay by Dirk Philipsen
On fear and love, by Laurent Grenier
Positive psychology
A grassroots manifesto, by Don Lubov
The Yin and Yang of COVID-19, by Paul Bedson
Mice reveal emotions through facial expressions
More on respectable bird brains
Do evil people deserve to be reincarnated?
How to have a vibrant social distancing experience
Coping with anything, from an expert
No, I won’t jump off the planet
Web intelligence is about spiders.
If humans are the cancer of Earth, should they be eliminated?
Buddhist new year message
On trans
Protection from the liars: a must-see movie
Plants can complain
Paul Bedson on forgiveness
Should we use Mars as a lifeboat for humanity?
Motivational list for the new year
Nobel laureate knocks the GDP
The Meaning of Life
Quora answer on choosing to be childfree
The crown of creation? About the human body
Peter Gibilisco on what’s wrong with the neoliberal interpretation of meritocracy
A path from achievement to satisfaction A guest post by Makesh Karuppiah
A list of blessings from Joan Edwards
Are we just delaying the inevitable with climate change?
Global economy A must-read essay by Charles Eisenstein
A modern parable: the prince’s birthday party
Reducing suffering by one
Feeling down? Joan can help
How to improve your inner beauty
Wasps can do a Sherlock Holmes
Can we really save the environment?
Joan Edwards on acts of kindness
The farmer’s footsteps: why humanity needs to stop breeding
Why did I emphasise reincarnation in From Depression to Contentment?
Tolerance works
Better than survival
Why I wrote a book about living with a disability in Australia by Dr Peter Gibilisco
Nonhuman people
I agree with Avaaz
On being childfree
Saved by the long view
True Islam is service
Suicides and drug overdoses rise
Buddhist wisdom about climate despair
Wisdom from an economic philosopher
2018 and before
Put some sparkle into your life: Jolanda’s fruit fizz recipe.
A burning improvement
Virus checkers for Macs
Zero electricity consumption, in Manhattan
Wibble your way to wrangling a future
Maintaining an electric car
Energy-efficient pasta
A train that runs on soup
Wise solar installation
How to save the world, according to George Monbiot
Printed ceramic tree saves electricity
Catching up with me: solar energy from space
Solar-powered car
Hope for coral
Phone charging
Duction: in or out?
A battery without the problems
No need to cling to cling wrap
The bushfire-proof house
Don’t toss it; fix it
Flooded solar farm: so what
How to safely scan a QR code with your smartphone
The zero waste kitchen
Award-winning hospital
Sucking out the CO2: an inspiring story
Environmentally beneficial farm
The ideal beach towel
Recycling light bulbs
Electric airliner
World first: shifting demand to match supply
Electricity consumption less than a quarter of neighbours'
You don’t need a metal box around the delivery
Robots: a solution to Poison Planet
Climate victory gardens
No paper is better than recycled paper
Circular life for chopsticks A brilliant model for converting waste to something useful.
No cars is better than electric cars
Ingenious return to the stone age
Inspiring cooking stove
Keeping takeaway containers
Cheating tube cheats
Recycled safety
Two Irish boys make face masks for frontline workers
Useful Mac advice
Are you still buying bottled water?
Plastic stopper
Completing the cycle of nature: loop the poop
Clean your carpet without poisoning your home
CO2-sucking concrete?
How to cheat Apple
How to prepare for a hurricane
Leather from pineapple leaves
5 Eco-Friendly Alternatives to Using Appliances in the Home, by Emily Porter
Energy-free air conditioning
California in the 1970s generated the equivalent of two new nuclear power plants of energy, just by improving the efficiency of fridges
Bagging the plastic
Recycling people
Plastic-free gardening
Not nuclear
My beard is an environmental benefit
Bagging the plastic
Gently keep ants out
Hydrogen is not a fuel
Green renovation
An electric car epic to admire
Electricity-free refrigeration
Antibang dog home
Loop: Lock in the consumer
Better, cheaper, and uses up trash
Replace the avalanche of wrapping paper
Trash into road
2018 and before
Another reason to unplastic the planet
Back hurts? This podcast will help
Now you’re cooking with gas! Oh no!
Spot a stroke and save a life
Climate change ravages health: the facts
Long COVID: the case for inner peace
Back pain is not about posture
How to protect pets from COVID
The right choice: an inspiring story of a woman’s wisdom
You can’t beat a beetroot
Fiona Lemmon on beetroots
Antidepressants don’t anti depression
Climate milk?
COVID toll
Risk of heart muscle inflammation in response to COVID vaccines
If you don’t want to eat pesticides…
Are loneliness and sleep related?
Pain: masking it is asking for more
Another reason to buy naked food
Alcohol IS a brain toxin
Shoes off!
Tune up your immune system
Why I am being super-careful
Pre-op guided imagery
Train the parent to cure autism
Learn about asbestos
Entertaining read about a terrible topic: cancer
The voice of reason on vaccines
Placebo without deception
The monster Asbestos
Numbers count: the risk of a clot
More on microplastics
Pre-surgery visualisation How to maximise your chances of doing well in surgery.
The truth about vaccinations
Nonstick death
Killing our insides?
Dealing with long COVID
No, public transport won’t kill you
A problem with painkillers
Surprise: meditation is good for you
Coronavirus may help you to save yourself from coffin nails
Inner peace when the whole world worries
Active brain in retirement, by Samir Ferdowski
How I deal with a virus gone viral
Virus! Virus! Here is sane advice from Prof John Wilson, president-elect of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Reblogged a post from TA Sullivan: on the effectiveness of Reiki
Should you exercise? And how much?
Drugs and oral health
White crocodiles A way of stopping the flu and other health problems.
Alcohol and older livers
Climate emergency is a health issue
We swim in a sea of poisons
6 days: the health effects of organic food
Water bottle hygiene
Glyphosate DOES worsen cancer risk: The evidence is in.
Reset your gut after the holidays
Know the pesticides in your food
2018 and before
Look over a writer's shoulder
Interviewed in good company
Is a live link electrifying?
Ampersands: Pretty but Distracting, a guest post by Carolyn Howard-Johnson
No pain, no story
Gremlin-hunter handbook
Monthly list of writing contests
Breathing Life into your Characters
Advice cornucopia
Where to hide the time machine: backstory
An archaeological find: Fiona McVie interviewed Bob Rich in 2014
Letter to Bob in the past
It refuses to stay still!: our rapidly changing world
Feedback please: an off-earth scene
New Beginnings: how do you begin a new writing challenge? my January, 2023 contribution to your amusement via Rhobin’s Rounds.
New writing project: Jolanda’s Kitchen Magic
Secret dossier my September, 2022 post in Rhobin’s Rounds
Sound Eagle’s script extraordinaire on writing
Even villains are apprentice Buddhas the October, 2022 Rhobin’s Rounds
Killing my darlings My July, 2022 post for Rhobin’s Rounds.
How to help another writer
Do you read novels? If so, please advise me!
Currant Fairies my June post for Rhobin’s Rounds.
Quoting thoughts>
How to handle horrible homophones
How to use Styles in Microsoft Word (and why you should)
On social connectedness feedback please
What Makes a Book ‘Age Appropriate’?
Reading breeding writing April Rhobin’s Round
Writing = life = writing May Rhobin’s Round
Massaging the global culture March Rhobin’s Rounds.
Does this opening hook you?
The opening scene of Maraglindi
February, 2022 Round Robin topic: the perfect protagonist
Point of view — why does it matter?
Virus-infected writing the January Round Robin.
Advice please
Sleepy Lion tells you about beta reading
Michael Amos interviews Fuzzy Wuzzy, AKA Bob Rich
How to swear
Have my family experiences affected my writing? A little fun for Rhobin’s Rounds
The necessary spanner in the works: November Round Robin essay
What are children’s stories about?
Hallo! Ween?: an exercise in hopefully humorous writing.
That is not always deadwood (yes, “that”)
Writing about gender without "they"
Writing nonfiction: my September homework for Rhobin Courtright
Well, I just don’t know: repetitions August Rhobin’s Rounds on how not to put distractions into your writing.
Words that mean their opposites
Plot gone to pot June Rhobin’s Round
POV: the heart of fiction
Writing as growth?
Unblocking the Writer
Writer’s block and what to do about it
Name game where do my characters’ names come from? This is the April Rhobin’s Rounds.
Developing tension. No, it’s not about knitting, but my contribution to Rhobin’s Rounds on writing.
A muse: February Rhobin’s round about where my ideas come from
Free check of readability
2021 in Bob’s computer Buddhist philosophy for Rhobin
Spaces those little blank characters
Signposting the past
Criteria for judging any piece of writing
Criteria for an essay
My best read of the past 10 years
Grammatical metaphor
Of all the many books I’ve read… The October Rhobin's Round.
How I get reviews, a guest post for Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Let’s Stop Saying, “I Don’t Like Poetry”
Bandwidth burst!
Elementary, my dear Rhobin
How to write third-person narrative
The unique people in my computer
On blurbs
Interviewing a publisher with a difference
Editing: getting it all correct
Dialogue basics
How easy or difficult do you find including humour in your writing? April topic of Rhobin’s Rounds
How I do review swaps
The lay of lie
What draws you into a story?
Sharing the sharing: a review at Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s “New Review Site”
No, I won’t jump off the planet
Hit and Run is now available as a paperback
The Obsolete Present January Rhobin’s Round essay.
Cutting the expense of book promotion
What the BookLife Prize judge thinks of From Depression to Contentment
How to write a review
How to write an application
A fun writing collaboration
Oddballs from an oddball my November contribution to Rhobin’s Rounds.
Writing a persuasive essay?
Hey, what? My October post in Rhobin’s Rounds.
More about Aniko
The Plot Thickens: my contribution to the September Rhobin’s Round
Frugal Book Promoter in third edition
How to pitch for freelance writing
This page won me an award
Free book on how to submit
Writing fun, July 2019
How not to self-publish
Real life in stories
Stuck for a name?
Kristin Johnson being thoughtful
What would you like to your readers to know about your novels and their purpose?
A great resource for writers
Brag: member of the week, NFAA
Seasons: the April post in Rhobin’s Rounds
Then I posted again, when I remembered an old poem of mine
March is National Reading Month but the post is still relevant.
How do you self-edit your books before submitting or publishing?
Helena Fairfax’s contribution to the March Rhobin’s Rounds: content editing
Sex in writing
School dragon at New Book Review
Interview with the winner of my free edit contest
Principles of good writing, condensed
Help with your grandma
Secondary characters for Rhobin
2018 and before
Dialogue basics
How to avoid ungrammatical sentences: beware of the ug
Please note: you will find a great many reviews of fine books I've read, and from other reviewers, in the index of the past several years.
My books, reviewed by others
Books I have reviewed
Reviews submitted by others
My books, reviewed by others
You can find all the reviews of this book here.
Michael Amos
Theresa Crater
Sam Goodman
Dawn James
Oliver Kollar
Finona Lemmon
Annie Otness
2018 and before
Anger and Anxiety: Be in charge of your emotions and control phobias
2018 and before
Anikó: The stranger who loved me
Victoria Chatham
Holli Kenley
2018 and before
Bizarre Bipeds
Rebecca Minto
2018 and before
Cancer: A personal challenge
2018 and before
From Depression to Contentment: A self-therapy guide
Carol Anderson
Donna Bond
Bodan Bouldercombe
Beth Burgess
Shagun Chetri
Elizabeth Clements
Erica Cirino
John Cooper
Rhobin Courtright
Robert Davy
Rachel Dehning of Reader Views
Hendrika de Vries
Kamal Gabri
Ian Ellis-Jones
Joan Edwards
Laurent Grenier
Rich Henderson
Amy Hunt
Jake Irving
Kristin Johnson
Holli Kenley
Kishore Kumar
Don Lubov
Daralyse Lyons
Amy Lyman
Lyndon Medina
Isabella Milan
David Morawetz
Mike Muntisov
Jack Pilgers
Dawn Owens
Lauren Persons
Kevin Richardson
Yvonne Rowan
Dipa Sanatani
Nina Savelle-Rocklin
Balvendar Singh
Rod Taylor
Nancy Wagaman
Christina Warner
Florence Weinberg
Larry White
Carolyn Wilhelm
Kary Youman
Laurie Zelinger
2018 and before
The Doom Healer series (currently only available for beta read)
2018 and before
Earth Garden Building Book
Dr Murray Hollis
Guardian Angel
2018 and before
Healing Scripts CD
Janis Silverman
You will find many reviews on the book page.
Lawrence Brown
Rhobin Courtright
Jay Kerk
Chynna Laird
D. M. Langdon
Stan Skrabut
Sandra Warren
2018 and before
Maraglindi: Guardian spirit
Kevin Amos
Michael Bulger
D.M. Langdon
Mike Muntisov
Mary Tod
Laurie Zelinger
Personally Speaking
Comments from a reader
Victor Volkman
Sleeper, Awake
Stephanie Black
Cindy Davis
Fiona Lemmon
Mike Muntisov
Boris Petrov
Jodi Pratt
John Rosenman
Carl Stonier
Gary Swanson
Trevor Tucker: Email about the book
Trevor Tucker: Formal review
2018 and before
Striking Back from Down Under
Fiona Lemmon
Nancy Wagaman
2018 and before
The Making of a Forest Fighter
Max Overton
Florence Weinberg
Margaret Tanner
The Start of Magic
Charlene Austin
The Travels of First Horse
Through Other Eyes
Georgiann Baldino
Alan Clay
Kenneth Langer
Fiona Lemmon
Woodworking for Idiots Like Me
Woodworking for Idiots Like Me reviewed by Ron Peters.
A response to Ron Peters.
Books I have reviewed
Paddlin’ With Thoreau by Mary Anne Smrz
Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief by Jon Kabat-Zinn
The Frugal Editor, 3rd edition by Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Performing Pippin Pearmain by Lark Westerly
Bobish, a book of poetry by Magdalena Ball
Organising responses to climate change: the Politics of Mitigation, Adaptation and Suffering, by Nyberg, Wright & Bowden
Energy healing, by TA Sullivan
Inspector of the Cross, by John Rosenman
Unveiled, by Dawn James
Legacy of Laughter by Mary Kay Morrison
Before the Alamo, by Florence Weinberg
The Choice, by Florence Weinberg
When Spirit Whispers by Carol March
Shifting Bravely by Holli Kenley
Death Becomes You, by DM Langdon
Please Explain Vaccines to Me: Because I HATE SHOTS! by Laurie Zelinger
Please Explain Alzheimer’s Disease to Me: A Children’s Story and Parent Handbook About Dementia by Laurie Zelinger
Back to Yourself by Ani Rich
101 Tips To Lighten Your Burden: Practical Advice for Life by Jennifer Bonn
Thicker than Water by Erica Cirino
The Emergence of God by Kenneth Langer
Daughters betrayed by their mothers, by Holli Kenley
Blame Gabriel by David Kaye
Original Wisdom by Donna Bond
Lost but Found by Lauren Persons
Beyond Carbon Neutral: How we fix the climate crisis now by Samuel Goodman
Seven Choices: Finding daylight after loss shatters your world, by Elizabeth Harper Neeld
From Misery to Hope by Robert Palmer and Kary Youman
The Lip Reader, by Michael Thal
Inspired by the Holy Ghost: Spiritual Poetic Messages Received from Popular Songs by Aimee Cabo Nikolov
In Its Shadow: A 9/11 memoir, by Jodi Pratt
Great little last minute editing tips by Carolyn Howard-Johnson
The Eclectic by Colin Reynolds
Light After a Layoff, by Dawn Owens
Paris in Ruins, by Mary Tod
Court of the Grandchildren, by Michael Muntisov and Greg Finlayson
Lucky G and the Melancholy Quokka, by Amy Wilinski-Lyman, illustrated by Leela Green
Demystifying Diversity: Embracing Our Shared Humanity by Daralyse Lyons
You are the Phoenix: Trauma recovery is possible, by Lorraine Hardy
Out of the Mouths of Serial Killers by Mary Brett
Exploring Your Intelligent Body, by Rob A. Rich
The Little Green Frog by Jack and Harry Beaumont
Uncovering and Embracing Soul Power, by Edward Miller
Ten journeys on a fragile planet, by Rod Taylor
Climate Change Captives 2035 and Project SAVE: Students Help Save the Earth, by Carolyn Wilhelm
Snow and Caramel, by Jay Kerk
Confessions of a Zen narcissist, by Larry White
Conscious Conversations across the Horizon of Death by
Janice Dolley
Spirituality Matters, by Amy Hunt
Senior Wisdom by Don and Linda Lubov
I Will Light You on Fire by Kellman Heinz
Praying for a miracle when it is hopeless, by Isabella Milan
Jack’s Path, by Jack Pilgers
Lost in Wonder by Matthew Buonocore
Two parenting books, by Dr Laurie Zelinger
Connect by Ilchi Lee
The Binge Cure, by Nina Savelle-Rocklin
The healing power of girlfriends by Deborah Olson
Mental Health Strong by Erin Ramachandran
Olivia’s Escape, by Cindy and Adrian Matthews
Heaven on Earth by Kamal Gabry
Bipolar: Living With It, by Ian Higgins
Distorted Perception, by S. Karki
Taming Chronic Pain, by Amy Orr
So Man Created God in His Own Image, by Romain Gagnon
The Invisible Brand, by William Ammerman
Quantum mechanics for kids, by Christopher Gilbert
Love is the Answer, God is the Cure, by Aimee Cabo Nikolov
His Unexpected Muse, by Victoria Chatham
When a Toy Dog Became a Wolf and the Moon Broke Curfew by Hendrika de Vries
Wholistic Wisdom by Elena Bensonoff
The Old Testament Case for Nonviolence by Matthew Fleischer
David Savakerrva Book 1 by Lawrence Brown
No one is too small to make a difference, by Greta Thunberg
The Little Light by Dipa Sanatani
The Curious Dreamer’s Dream Essentials by Nancy Wagaman
Meditation Time by Laurent Grenier
Shaded by Stone, by Ari Schneider
Down and Back by Julia Novak
And then they were gone by Judy Bebelaar and Ron Cabral
Positive Paradox, by Kevin Richardson
An End to Stress: A Guru’s Guide to Inner Peace, by Don Lubov
This kind of silence, by Michele Susan Brown
The Forest Giant by Jennifer Poulter and Theda Mimilaki
Down to Dirt by Kevin Killiany
Instant Wisdom, by Beth Burger
My Nutritionary by Catherine Saxelby
Once a Copper by Vikki Petraitis
2018 and before
Reviews submitted by others
Coats of Arms: An Introduction to the Science and Art of Heraldry by Marc Fountain, reviewed by Megan Weiss for Reader Views
Coats of Arms: An Introduction to The Science and Art of Heraldry by Marc Fountain, reviewed by John Borrough
Franky The Fearless Flamingo by Wanda Luthman, reviewed by Carolyn Howard-Johnson
The movie, Anthropocene, reviewed by John Platt
Corrupted Science by John Grant, self-reviewed in The Revelator
The Story of Plastic: a movie reviewed in The Revelator
Peter Gibilisco’s Six and a Half Years on a Dunghill: Life in Specialist Disability Accommodation, reviewed by Frank Stilwell
Six and a half years on a dunghill by Peter Gibilisco, reviewed by Susan Prior
2018 and before
A cat memory
You can’t turn a silk purse into a sow’s ear
Pink Thread
The hero of Piklawocky
COVID Angel one of the stories intended for REAL Human Nature
Rescue with side benefits is another, to illustrate a point in my June, 2022 Rhobin’s Round.
My formidable neighbour
The More You Give, the More You Grow A chapter from Lifting the Gloom
Two views of a park: one of the stories from Lifting the Gloom, for discussion at an online workshop.
Two women, aged 55: an award-winning story from Through Other Eyes, to be discussed at an online session.
Peace for the Joker: the first short story I wrote. It won a prize.
The glow
The bible and homosexuality
Forgiveness: an extract from my work in progress, Lifting the Gloom
Before you can care for others, you need to care for the carer first by David Hooper
Eulogy for Paul
Forgiveness Backstory from the Doom Healer series, and an extract from my current work
The Distance Runner What it really feels like
Plant something beautiful. Feed it Sunshine. Water it with love.
National Sorry Day: Jarro
How to Serve Your Fellow Man A humorous story to take you a little aback, by Don Lubov
A 50-word entry
Puzzled or intrigued? The start of a science fiction story
I am now posting new stories directly to my blog.
2018 and before
The Never-Ending Search, by Don Lubov
Taken, by Laurie Corzett
Fear Not, by David Kaye
Requiem on a Winter Afternoon by Laurie Corzett
Parceli, by Glen Morris
Once more, with Feeling by Laurie Corzett
Old McDonald’s climate change
Aquarian rant, by Laurie Corzett
Birth Celebration, by Laurie Corzett
December, by Laurie Corzett
Sagittarius journey, by Laurie Corzett
Child of the Sun, by Laurie Corzett
An ode to the pun
Refuge, by Laurie Corzett
Muted, by Laurie Corzett
Good riddance, Scott and crew, by Jon Cocks
Grief Brief, by Lauren Persons
II. by Laurie Corzett
The Jacket, by Don Lubov
War Is Crime, by Laurie Corzett
Over winter, Over COVID, by Lauren Persons
Samhainic Verse, by Laurie Corzett
Threnody, by Laurie Corzett
Liminal Spaces, by Laurie Corzett
Chalice, by Laurie Corzett
Mourning Coffee by Lauren Persons
Dark Magick by Laurie Corzett
Enjoy the Ride, by Laurie Corzett
A Dedication, by Lauren Persons
Remember, by Laurie Corzett
Logic of Evolution, by Laurie Corzett
Loving Meditation, by Laurie Corzett
The Guinea Pig
Kindly Meditation by Laurie Corzett
Brigid Day, by Laurie Corzett
The Red Horseman by Elizabeth Tindle
The Zamang
A tale of two terrors, by Elizabeth Tindle
October, by Laurie Corzett
The Grave, by Casey Rich
The Lyrebird
The Underlord, by Arianna Rich (written in 2018, when she was 8 years old)
The Pun
Crying for the Child, by Veronica-Mae Soar
Times Long Ago, by Danielle Tindle
Solemn Beauty, by Laurie Corzett
The Lyrebird
The dunny prayer
The cause of rising CO2
Lament for the lost, by Veronica-Mae Soar
2018 and before
Bob's blog Bobbing Around volumes 14 - 18> Bobbing Around volumes 1 - 13 Mudsmith site Psychology site Writing showcase