If you suffer from anxiety, depression or other emotional problems:
Contacts, Links and Resources

Compiled by Dr Bob Rich

This page is under continuous development
Please email me me to suggest a new entry.

For several years, every week I've recieved two or three requests to list addiction-related resources. I cannot list any more here, sorry. However, I have established a Mental Health Resources page at my blog. Anyone promoting an essay useful for mental health, whether addiction-related or not, may post it in a 200 word comment there.

Thank you for using the resources on this page. Do note that this entire site is full of helpful information, and you'll find more at my blog, Bobbing Around.

Dealing with mental health problems in general
Low self-esteem
Anxiety (including Phobias) (see also my panic attacks page)
       Mailing lists
       Depression and addictions
       Depression and anger
Postpartum depression
Bipolar disorder
Serious Psychiatric Disorders (This is a separate page)
         Manic-depressive Disorder
         Borderline Personality Disorder
Student problems
Post-traumatic Stress
Prescription drugs
Children and families

Problems with doctors

Marital therapy
Other Problems
          Eating Disorders
          Entrapment by a Cult
          Narcissistic Personality Disorder
          Physical injury
          Sleep disorders
Sites of general interest
           Help to Psychologists
           The stigma of mental health problems
                Lists of Therapy sites
        Positive psychology

        Psychology courses

Low self-esteem

   Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself. It's your belief you have the ability to do things and add value to others’ lives. Positive or healthy self-esteem usually has good side effects. People with good self-esteem do better in school, have happier relationships, and have well-adjusted kids.​Low or poor self-esteem can result in opposite effects. Low self-esteem can affect a person’s mental health and potentially even lead to drug and alcohol abuse. Here is a comprehensive guide for overcoming low self-esteem.

   Ken McIsaac allows you to read online a free book, 32 KEYS A Collection of Ideas About Life. It is full of wisdom, and will lead you to a better, more serene view of the world, and yourself within it.

   Roger Elliott offers a Free 6-Part Low Self Esteem Course for building up low self esteem and increasing self confidence. He has online self-help tips for insecurity and reports on self confidence research.

   No Stigmas works to remove stigma from mental health problems.


    "Self-esteem", by M. McKay and P. Fanning, Oakland, CA: New Harbringer, 1987.

    "Prisoners of belief", by M. McKay and P. Fanning, Oakland, CA: New Harbringer, 1991.

    "Reinventing your life: How to break free of negative life patterns" by J. E. Young and J. Klosko, New York: Dutton, 1994.


Dealing with mental health problems in general

    If I say so myself, the best book on coping with our insane society is From Depression to Contentment: A self-therapy guide, which fulfils the promise of the title, and is therapy in your pocket.

    Mental health disorders affect how a person feels, thinks, and behaves. They can be chronic (long-lasting), short-lived, or cyclical. Experiencing problems with mental health is more common than most people realize. Learn more about the different types of mental health disorders present in the population today and how to pursue treatment successfully.

    According to John Hopkins Medicine, an estimated 26% of Americans ages 18 and older -- about 1 in 4 adults -- suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. With this many people suffering, it's important to know the possible causes, and risk factors and to share them with family and friends. Learn more here.



    "Depression: Challenge the beast within yourself ... and win" by Cait Irwin. AVI Communications, Inc, 1998.

    "Coping with depression" (rev. ed.) by Aaron Beck and Ruth Greenberg, Bala Cynwid, PA: Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research, 1995 is an excellent self-help resource.

    "Cognitive therapy: Basics and beyond" by Judith Beck, New York: Guilford Press, 1995. This book is basically for psychologists wanting to learn the techniques of cognitive therapy, but it is written in plain language and is very useful for a person with a tendency to become severely depressed, or for someone wanting to help a loved one in the grip of depression.

    "Mind over mood: A cognitive therapy treatment manual for clients" by D. Greenberger and C. Padesky, New York: Guilford Press, 1995.

    "Feeling good: the new mood therapy", by D. D. Burns, New York: New American Library, 1980.

    "The feeling good handbook: Using the new mood therapy in everyday life" by D. D. Burns, New York: William Morrow, 1989.


Depression Resources

   If you feel depressed, annoyed and overwhelmed at the beginning of a working week, you are probably dealing with a case of the Monday blues. Learn how to overcome Monday stress and anxiety.

   One in four cancer patients suffer from clinical anxiety. When working through doctor appointments, medications, chemotherapy and radiation, depression can add another layer of difficulty to an already aggressive disease. This guide walks patients and families through how to distinguish cancer-related symptoms from clinical depression and how to manage both effectively with the help of medical professionals.

   Approximately 1 out of 4 people in the UK experience a mental health problem each year. Depression is also a prime driver of disability worldwide. It is important to be aware of how depression affects our lives. Read the informative essay, Diagnosing Depression - Your Guide to Depression & Mental Health in the UK.

   Learn Psychology created this guidebook to help students better understand suicide and depression, how to recognize warning signs in themselves or their peers, and what they can do to intervene. Seeing as suicide is the second-leading cause of death for people between the ages of 15 and 24, this resource offers necessary helpful information to drive overall awareness. This guide is dedicated to helping those who are suffering or have suffered from depression, suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts. It is also designed for concerned friends and family members who might be worried that someone they love will experience death by suicide. Finally, it is meant for students, so that they might spot the warning signs of suicide in others -- or in themselves -- and find the proper resources.

   Australia's Number 1 mental health site is DepressioNet/ is a vibrant community full of inspiration, information and companionship.

   Do you want to know if you qualify for the diagnosis of Depression? (not that labels matter). There is a free test at www.psycom.net/depression-test/. This site is run by the Mental Health Association, and has lots of useful information as well.

   The Depression Alliance is a British charity that lists a great deal of well organised information, and provides support to sufferers.

Phobias and other anxieties


    Check out my book and my ' panic attacks' page. The book teaches you a self-help technique that allows you to conquer your fears.

    "Anxiety disorders and phobias" by Aaron Beck and Gary Emery with Ruth Greenberg, Basic Books, 1985.

    "Panic attacks: How to cope, how to recover" (rev. ed.) by Ruth Greenberg and Aaron Beck, Bala Cynwid, PA: Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research, 1995.

    "Coping with anxiety and panic" (rev. ed.) by Aaron Beck and Gary Emery, Bala Cynwid, PA: Beck Institute for Cognitive Therpay and Research, 1995.

   I often use Aaron Beck's cognitive therapy techniques. Cognitive therapy is based on the concept that you can check the accuracy of your thoughts (eg. fears) by experiment. Any one of these books will show you how to do it for yourself.


Mailing lists

There are literally hundreds of mailing lists and bulletin boards for anxiety problems generally, and for particular phobias. I used Liszt and Lycos to find them. Or you can go to Topica and Yahoogroups to find an existing one, or to start your own. Here are a few friendly, helpful examples:

*Phobias UK, the United Kingdom resource for sufferers of phobias, anxieties, stress and panic attacks allows you to post a cry for help, which is soon answered by owner David Hill and others in a supportive, informative way.

*    Season of Peace offers freedom from panic attacks, stress, anxiety.



*   Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health issues in both adults and children. In the United States, over 40 million adults (19.1%) have an anxiety disorder. To spread awareness of this problem, we have published our guide on Types of Anxiety Disorders. In the piece, we cover different types of anxiety disorders, the treatment options, and how to cope with anxiety.

*    If you struggle with anxiety, know that you are not alone. In fact, let’s take a look at some statistics from Fingerprint for Success that demonstrate how prevalent anxiety is in our world.

*    COVID19 is a major factor in a great increase in anxiety and depression. Here is a list of resources and sources of help, as the conclusion of an article that spells out the situation.

*   Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) consists of a cycle of obsessions and compulsions and is often confused with perfectionism. For example, checking to make sure you turned the stove off 2 or 3 times is actually not OCD. Using OCD to describe bouts of perfectionism minimizes the severity of the disorder and can make those who live with it feel diminished or laughed off. To learn more about OCD and/or wish to take a self-test if you think you may have OCD, visit this website.

*    Read about how to deal with anxiety from numerous therapists and different individuals who were able to overcome anxiety.

*    Are financial worries keeping you awake at night? This essay shows you how to cope.

*    Anxiety comes in many forms, from the general worry that comes from everyday life to the intense fear caused by major psychiatric disorders. As debilitating as anxiety can be to our mental and physical health, it’s also corrosive to our quality of sleep -- whether you’re a college student pulling an all-nighter or a veteran jolted awake from a nightmare caused by PTSD. This guide covers how anxiety and sleep are interrelated, change with age, and what you can do to improve both.

*    Anxiety Disorders Association of America.

*   Anxiety disorders cause higher-than-normal feelings of stress and worry. While everyone gets anxious at times, some people feel anxiety all the time. Anxiety disorders make it difficult for a person to go about their daily life. They may not be able to go to work or school, and may have difficulty maintaining relationships with friends and family. This self-test allows you to assess whether you are suffering from an anxiety disorder.

*   'Help for Anxiety, Phobias, OCD and Depression' is a site that offers insight into anxiety-related problems and a self-help approach to begin to deal with them. www.help-for.com

*   Visit the Emetophobia Eraser Program website, which includes a self help program for those suffering from the fear of vomiting.

* Your fear of flying, can be helped with the complimentary guide available from Rich Pantone, who used to be terrified by the thought of getting onto a plane.

*    www.thepsych.com is a good source of information about anxiety-related problems.

*   Social Anxiety Australia -- www.socialanxiety.com.au -- the first comprehensive site exclusively on Social Anxiety in Australia -- information on the causes, treatments and therapies beneficial for recovery, where to find help, support groups and workshops in your local area, recovery stories, links and resources. Established and maintained by Sue Cleland who lived with Social Anxiety for 20 years before recovering.

*    Dr John Mason runs the Stress Education Center, a very helpful site.

   Phobias and other kinds of chronic anxiety problems are NOT diseases. I don't even like to call them 'disorders'. Just the same, the Lycos Diseases Guide: Phobias is an excellent starting point for a search.

    The search engine GoTo has proven excellent at turning up relevant 'hits' on anxiety, panic and phobias.

Depression and addictions

*   A guide to dealing with the "dual diagnosis" of depression and addiction

Depression and anger

*   OnlineMSWPrograms.com created Recognizing and Addressing Depression Presenting as Anger to help individuals recognize depression that may be presenting itself through anger. The article details why this occurs, what it looks like, and how to treat underlying depression.

Postpartum depression

*   Georgetown University's School of Nursing & Health Studies has an excellent page on postpartum depression.

*   Maryville University Postpartum Depression Guide defines postpartum depression as a mood disorder that sometimes ensues after women give birth, differentiates postpartum depression and postpartum blues, identifies the causes and symptoms of postpartum depression, and introduces treatment options coupled with some DIY postpartum relief.

Bipolar disorder

*   Bipolar Disorder can wreak havoc on those afflicted by the malady, as well as on those who love them. Life becomes both unpredictable and predictable as a loved one cycles through a range of human emotions periodically--sometimes in a single day, other times over weeks, and months. Here is how to support a person suffering from Bipolar, so they can thrive and flourish despite their limitations.

*   Addiction and Bipolar Disorder is a page at the Addiction Center, which has information on different mental health conditions and how they can be affected by addiction and substance abuse.


*   Grief can come in several forms including the loss of a loved one, a setback at work, changes in health, and many other life events. This guide is a simple and straightforward look at the stages of grief. There is also a list of activities that help overcome the sorrow and move forward in a positive light.

*   Learn about getting over grief. Grief is a feeling of sadness as a result of any major loss. It is often associated with suffering and is also considered a necessary part of healing. Prolonged grief can also lead to depression, which is a common mental illness affecting 18% (40 million adults) of the US population every year.

*   The impact a death will have on your life is significant. But there are ways to cope with a loss. Feel free to check this guide from Churchill on how to cope with death and grief.

*   Here is a good common language explanation of what news about murders, disasters and other sources of trauma have on people, and how to deal with the feelings.


*   Suicidal Prevention Checklist is visual, life-saving guide covering key components of suicide prevention.


   Study.com is a site of general interest for college students, and includes many useful resources to help them with mental health issues. New guides are regularly published. Currently, the list of helpful essays is:
How Does Seasonal Affective Disorder Affect College Students?
Mental Health Guide for College Students
Everything You Need to Know About Academic Accommodations for Psychiatric Disabilities
How to Deal with Stress in College
Resource for Depression, Anxiety & Stress for College Students
How to Reduce Test Anxiety, and Anxiety While Studying
Mental Health Guide for High School Students
Mental Health Guide for College Students
Guide to Mental Health for Veterans in College

Study.com has now developed a set of resources for high school students:

Mental Health in High School Students
How to Reduce Test Anxiety
Guide to Time Management for High School Students

*   Most people know about the benefits of meditation. It is particularly useful for the stressful life of students. StudyCorgi is offering a list of mindfulness techniques so you can find the one that resonates for you.

*   StudyCorgi have produced a guide that explains the nature, causes, and many negative effects of ongoing worry thoughts. It then teaches several effective ways of dealing with the problem. You can read it here.

*   Some students find going home for the holidays to be stressful. PsychologyWriting.com sets out the issue, and offers excellent advice that will be useful in any situation.

*   If you want to know how to deal with toxic, aggressive and manipulative people, read this article. The gray rock method involves behaving in the most boring ways possible around toxic people so that they lose interest in you. Additionally, the article offers tips on gray rocking, how to use this method and when to avoid it.

*   Nursing school can be overwhelming for students. This guide addresses its prevalent challenges, and explores the difficulty in overcoming them, followed by self-care strategies and external resources aimed at assisting individuals through the demanding educational journey.

*   The team at NursingExams.org has developed a comprehensive Guide to Maintaining Good Mental Health in Nursing School, which provides information about how nursing students can maintain and create good mental health habits as well as teaching them about common triggers for anxiety and how to manage it.

*   How to Deal With Job Search Depression defines job search depression, outlines its symptoms, and provides effective strategies for combating it. Additionally, the article offers valuable job search and interview tips to help you land your dream job.

*   According to a survey by APA, about 61% of college students report anxiety, 49% have depression, and 45% suffer from constant stress. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15-24-year-olds The article Psychotherapy: Do I Need It? A Guide for College Students discusses how psychotherapy can help manage stress and depression for students and provides helpful tips for finding a good therapist.

*   Undoubtedly, physical exercise is an important part of any person’s life. This is especially true for students who often find themselves desk-bound. Finding the time to go for a jog or hit the gym when juggling multiple classes and piles of homework can be challenging. Yoga for Your Brain: Exercises for Body & Mind can help.

*   Students face the stress of deadlines, exams, and tests on a daily basis. Attempts to strike a balance between homework and relaxation can often prove unsuccessful. This article with infographics on positive thinking will help students who need to take a different look at stress management and rest.

*   This essay sets out five benefits of regular mindfulness meditation, and briefly describes six ways of doing it.

*   Overwhelmed by all the choices you need to make during the college admissions process? Luckily, Degree Choices created a guide on overcoming decision fatigue. Decision fatigue is that drained feeling that results from having too many choices to make and not enough time or energy to make them, a common experience among students applying to college. To conquer this mental exhaustion, the guide explains a range of exercises and tips you can try, such as creating a pros and cons list and even raising your blood pressure. That way, you can choose your next steps with confidence.

*   College can be a stressful period in your life, and especially so during the Covid-19 pandemic. This guide will help you identify and deal with sources of stress that are common in college students.

*   Adderall is a prescription amphetamine students often misuse, despite dangerous side effects. This article describes side effects, signs and symptoms of Adderall addiction, and specifies treatment methods.

*   Between classes, homework, extracurriculars and studying, making time for your mental health as a college student can be challenging. This guide from Online Schools Report covers all that a college student needs to know about maintaining mental health while in college, from finding on- and off-campus support to academic accommodations and more.

*   According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), students are among those who experience a high level of stress. Constant academic pressure, poor study-life balance, decreased social connections with family and friends, and frequent financial issues lead to distress. This infographic from IvyPanda explains the major causes of academic stress, and discusses some effective stress management strategies. Along with that, readers will learn about a gap year as an option to consider when the stress level is too high, and students cannot cope in another way.

*   Going to university is an exciting time, but the change it brings can be overwhelming. Thus, ideal flatmate created this guide to help better understand the importance of mental health awareness on students.

*   Art therapy works for anyone. Your artistic skill, age, gender, or issues don’t matter. It utilizes different techniques and uses them to better both the expression and the overall state of mental health. Explore its ways of helping students.

*   College is a time of major changes, so it's no wonder it is also a time when many students experience anxiety, which is one of their major health concerns. College students struggling with anxiety cuts across all sexes and races. One study found that the rates of anxiety disorders reported by US college students doubled from 2008 to 2016. This guide will help.

*   Students in the USA who experience depression, anxiety, and other types of mental illness may qualify for a mental health scholarship. You can check out what’s avialable in this free guide.

If you are a college student with mental health issues, check out this Guide to Mental Health for Students.

This page is also an informative guide for college students with advice on how to determine when to get help.

There is also a guide on student mental health at Accredited Schools Online.


Post-traumatic Stress

*   Traumatic Incident Reduction is a brief, one-on-one, non-hypnotic, person-centered, simple and highly structured method for permanently eliminating the negative effects of past traumas. It involves repeated viewing of a traumatic memory under conditions designed to enhance safety and minimize distractions. The TIR Association is a resource for referrals, finding training, and learning whether TIR is right for you.

*   Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a lawyer's web site on the effects of traumatic experiences. After a plain-language introduction, there is a long list of useful and informative links.

*   PTSD is a complex disorder that can cause upsetting and unwanted reactions in a person who has experienced intense trauma. People from all walks of life can develop a post-traumatic response to an event. This guide from SingleCare helps explain what PTSD is and what it feels like, what its causes may be, what the criteria for a formal diagnosis are, and tips for finding treatment for PTSD.

*   Traumatic nightmares and dreams are commonly associated with Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Whether it is falling asleep, staying asleep, or simply sleeping at night, PTSD can prevent sleep through any of these causes. Here's a guide from MySlumberYard on PTSD and sleep and ways PTSD patients can use to improve their overall quality of life and enjoy better sleep.

*   There is a good answer regarding nightmares associated with PTSD at Answers.com.

*    You'll find all you need to know at David Baldwin's trauma information pages, which exist at a number of 'mirror sites'.


   Well, actually, Polyamory is NOT a problem. It is a stable, loving relationship between more than two people. The problem is how others react to you, and the fact that those of us brought up in a supposedly monogamous culture are likely to suffer jealousy and other negative emotions.


*   Alcoholics Anonymous is at www.alcoholics-anonymous.org/

*   A History of Alcoholics Anonymous by Oliver Clark - this visual and auditory history of AA spans the period 1932-1971.

*   David Norman's book Alcohemy presents an effective program that gets rid of the very urge to get drunk.

*   Did you know that most legal and illegal drugs, including tobacco and alcohol, have nasty effects on oral health? Read the facts here.

*   Because alcohol is the most widely available mind-altering substance, it is frequently mixed with other drugs. However, mixing alcohol with other drugs can be dangerous. You can read about the many issues here.

*   Cannabidiol (CBD) is marketed as a miracle drug for treating a variety of health conditions. The manufacturing of CBD remains unregulated, meaning there's no guarantee that products of this nature are safe or effective. Addiction Treatment Services put together a detailed report on CBD, which explains associated health risks, side effects, unproven medical claims, and more.

*   StartYourRecovery.org offers relatable information for people who are dealing with substance use issues -- and their family members, friends, and co-workers, too. We know that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the challenges faced by those who misuse alcohol, prescription or illegal drugs, or other substances, and we aim to break through the clutter to help people at any stage of recovery.

*   Flakka is a new drug epidemic. Onthewagon.org/Flakka is a comprehensive drug awareness resource covering the important aspects of a deadly synthetic cathinone, alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone, better known as Flakka.

*   Learn the signs of teen drug use. Adolescence is a normal time for a child to experiment. Over 50% of young people will try an illegal drug as a teenager, and nearly 100% will have tried alcohol, tobacco, or both at least once before they reach legal age. surveys show that for Americans aged 15-20, 12.2% meet the definition of an alcohol dependence disorder.

*   Elite Rehab Placement was founded in 2013 and has prided itself of our no cost philosophy. We work around the clock to match people with the most effective addiction treatment that meets their needs and budget. A lot of times the customer's insurance can cover the complete rehab visit. Most people are unaware of the wide variety of addiction treatments that are out there so we bring this to light for them.

*   This "blood alcohol calculator" allows you to estimate your level of intoxication, and describes the symptoms.

*   Detox Local enables people to find immediate help for an addiction in their own towns. Additionally, they post educational guides and articles regularly. For example, one is on domestic violence and addiction.

*   Hope Tracker is 10-session crash course on alcohol addiction, and a social community where you can get help while remaining anonymous.

*   National Drug Rehab Locator is an easy-to-use rehab center locator with advanced level search filtering for within the United States.

*   The Tobacco-Free Life Organization is a leading organization with a mission to save lives by ending worldwide disease, damage and death caused by tobacco. This is accomplished through research, education and advocacy.
Our Mission is to save 1 billion lives by preventing diseases caused by tobacco.
Our Vision is a world free of diseases caused by tobacco.

*   The AlcoRehab is a group of professionals who are passionate about helping those struggling with alcoholism. We are devoted to providing free support and resources for people who are fighting an alcohol addiction, and their loved ones.

*   The Recovery Village offers top of the line medical treatment combined with holistic programs to ensure the best possible healing programs for our patients. It is our goal to provide affordable, individualized services to men and women struggling with substance abuse issues and co-occurring disorders.

*   20 Parenting Techniques that Can Help Discourage Addiction outlines 20 techniques you can use with your child to help him or her stay on the right track toward his goals and away from drugs and alcohol. Discuss how you'll implement them with your partner to ensure a clear, consistent message. Remember: when it comes to addiction prevention, your child needs a parent, not a friend -- and this guide can help you find the balance between a strong hand and a supportive shoulder.

*   Emerging Trends in Drug Use: New drugs and drug use trends often burst on the scene rapidly. NIDA's National Drug Early Warning System (NDEWS) reports on emerging trends and patterns in many metropolitan areas and states. NDEWS builds on the work of the former Community Epidemiology Work Group (CEWG).

*   Is Your Home an Accomplice for Your Rebellious Teen? Arguably, it's never been harder to keep a teenager safe. Intensified social pressures and fewer boundaries between the home environment and the outside world have led to pitfalls the previous generation couldn't even imagine. To avoid adding to these potential pitfalls, the design of your house and its amenities can have a substantial effect on the behavior, management, and overall safety of your teen. What follows is not only broad ideas about the design of your home, but some of the statistics that show increasing popularity in these elements of home improvement and design.

*   My Child Is Using Drugs or Drinking Alcohol -- What Should I Do? is an excerpt from Life Over the Influence, a new program created by Kimberly Abraham LMSW and Marney Studaker-Cordner LMSW, therapists and experts in helping families who are struggling with substance abuse issues.

*   Home After Rehab: The Guide to Finding the Right Place for Recovery Let this be your guide to finding the best new home to keep your addiction recovery on track. It will discuss considerations to make about your new neighborhood, the home itself and offer advice on ways to make your new environment promote a healthy life. As you explore your options, be sure to keep your partner informed about your thoughts and make each decision a joint consensus.

*   9 Steps to Take When Your Recovering Teen Comes Home from Treatment It is easy to have high expectations for a teen coming home from some kind of treatment, but what they need to know, is how important they are to their recovery -- that failure is not the end and success is up to them. Substance use disorder creates stress for a family and there is no guarantee of the outcome of recovery without diligence. You know who your teen is. What comes after treatment is more work. Finding ways to deal with it are critical. There are resources everywhere and the web is a good place to start, even to find a meeting. There are also, ways for the whole family to just work together that enhances the success of a teen's recovery.

*   If you, or someone you care for, is in the grip of a meth addiction, you will want to watch How Meth Can Impact Your Brain, an infographic with in-depth explanation.

*   RehabCenter.net is a resource connecting those suffering from addiction and their loved ones with exceptional rehabilitative services. With a library of expert articles and information on addiction treatment, RehabCenter.net helps guide its readers toward recovery.

*   The goal of Addiction Resource is to provide a wealth of information to help better educate people about substance abus,e and motivate the ones who may be suffering to seek the support they need. We believe in our ability to help improve the lives of others, and belief is what motivates us to educate and support our readers every day.

*   Addiction Guide is a reliable source on addiction and the dangers of illicit substances. They cover how drugs and alcohol affect the body, how to identify the signs and symptoms of abuse, and where to seek effective treatment. They offer an outlet as well as the means necessary to guide you and your loved ones to a healthier, more enjoyable life.

*   Al Anon is an invaluable organisation for people who live with or feel concerned for people who are addicted to alcohol.

*   The Addiction Center is a comprehensive information hub about various addictions, as well as a resource to match those in need with a treatment center.

*   DrugRehab.com is an organization that provides answers to the questions that people have about alcohol and drug addiction. Our website features information on commonly abused substances such as cocaine, heroine, opium, adderall, codeine, oxycodone and many others. We also features guides that we feel would be helpful to parents, as well as college students.

*   AllTreatment.com is a drug rehabilitation facility referral service and substance abuse information resource. Our goal is to offer the best services to the people in need.

*   Bright Eye Counselling is an online counselling and psychology service for people having problems with alcohol or drugs. The service provides extensive cognitive resources to complement the individual or group sessions.

*    The Dual Diagnosis Website, run by Kathleen Sciacca, specifically helps people who have both a psychiatric problem and an addiction, an all too common situation. (This is why addictive substances are NOT good for self-medication. You just end up with two problems.)

*   Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder very often leads to addictions. If that's your dual problem, or that of someone you care for, look up The Guide to PTSD and Drug Addiction.

*   MyAddiction.com is an online educational and informational website on Addiction and Recovery, which includes information on addiction categories such as nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, prescription drugs, sex, gambling and eating disorders.

*   QUIT SMOKING & BREATHE EASY Making a plan to quit smoking is the first step to quitting for good. Take the first step here, and say goodbye to cigarettes forever.
Note my stop smoking page.

*   Withdrawal.org is part of the USA Addiction Treatment Partnership, and invaluable resource when dealing with withdrawal effects.


Prescription drugs

   Benzodiazepines have a high potential of becoming addictive. Additionally, benzo users adjust to the drug very fast, meaning they have increased chances of developing benzodiazepine tolerance. Read about Signs of a Prescription Drug Overdose

   Stimulants and depressants both affect the Central Nervous System. If taken improperly and/or abused, both can lead to addiction.

   The Consumer Justice Foundation is thoroughly committed to educating the public about the dangers of prescriptions and defective products. The CJF has a strong commitment to its daily blog section regarding current drug and consumer recalls, product dangers and more.

   Recall Report was created to provide comprehensive recall information relating to dangerous medications and products. You need to check this for your safety.

   Dangers of testosterone therapy are set out at Drug Dangers. There is an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes if you take testosterone.

   Drugwatch.com is a comprehensive Web site featuring extensive information about medications, drug interactions, and drug side effects.

   Signs of a Prescription Drug Overdose: Benzodiazepines have a high potential of becoming addictive. Additionally, benzo users adjust to the drug very fast, meaning they have increased chances of developing benzodiazepine tolerance.

   Stimulants vs Depressants: Stimulants and depressants both affect the Central Nervous System. If taken improperly and/or abused, both can lead to addiction.

   Drugnews.net details several dangerous drugs and will be constantly updated to provide current information about potential side effects, recalls, and more.

   Fentanyl is a legal drug, but it can be harmful, deadly, or addictive. In fact, it can be all three of these things. A growing number of drug-related overdoses are due to fentanyl. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, fentanyl is now the most common drug involved in deaths from drug overdoses in the United States. Inform yourself about it.

   Also read the three articles I have reproduced with permission:

  • Exposing the Mythmakers
  • Psychiatric Drugs as Agents of Trauma
  • What's worse: the chronic pain or the medication for it?

    Children and families

       The RESOURCE CENTER FOR CHILDREN OF ABUSE is a resource where you can find contacts to Hospitals, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Therapists, and Counselors for treatment of DID,(Disassociation Disorder),Child Abuse, incest. Information is provided on request for services by E-mail and/or Web page links. RCCA2000 WEB PAGE


       A Guide to Living with Dementia is a comprehensive overview of dementia, including symptoms, causes, types, and understanding the risk factors and early warning signs of this affliction.

    Problems with doctors

       Medical Malpractice Center
    Our mission at the Medical Malpractice Center is to increase malpractice awareness, helping individuals and families struggling through this difficult time. Currently it is estimated that in the US alone over 225,000 people die each year from medical negligence. Our team believes that every individual who has experienced this neglect should have access to the best information and support available.

       MedicalMalpracticeHelp.com Provides information and support for people who have suffered at the hands of the medical establishment.

    Marital Therapy

       MARRIAGE COUNSELING NEW JERSEY Visit YourMarriageCounselor.com for marriage counseling information by Dr. Marty Tashman, a respected therapist in the field.

    * The Marriage Counseling Blog has hundreds of articles about marriage and couples counseling.

    Other Problems

       People with severe mental health disorders (SMD) have a life expectancy 10-20 years shorter than the global average, according to the World Health Organization. The majority of deaths amongst people with SMD are attributable to physical health conditions. Though recommendations for the general population include a healthy diet and physical activity, the WHO recently published new guidelines for people with SMD to meet physical health needs that takes sensitive precautions for mental health concerns. These guidelines include specific interventions for weight management, substance use, cardiovascular disease, and more. This resource from the University of Southern California's online FNP program explores why those with SMD are at a higher risk of physical health complications, and how they can manage and improve their physical health.

       People can suffer a lot of emotional distress because of skin problems. Here are a few guides on what to do about it.


       At the The American College of Dermatology provides medically researched advice about acne.

       Your Guide to Skin Allergies

       There is clear, scientifically sound information on how some foods you eat cause acne, while other foods protect you from it at www.acnetreatment.net/acne-diets-101.


       Children, including those in the Autistic spectrum, thrive when they play. Playing is an integral part of development and it helps promote the emotional, cognitive, physical and social well-being of kids. Here is the guide to designing the perfect home playroom and encouraging healthy play to children with autism.


    *   Mesothelioma (asbestos-induced cancer) symptoms and treatment can take a toll on your mental health. Caring for your mental health after a mesothelioma diagnosis can improve your quality of life and positively impact your physical response to treatment. Finding positive ways to cope is an important factor in your post-diagnosis quality of life, whether your condition worsens or improves.


    *   A health educator and her student drew my attention to an important issue: people of colour who are also LGBTQ+ get systematically worse treatment from health professionals. Here is a discussion of this form of discrimination.

    Eating Disorders

    *   Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center http://www.edreferral.com/
       The Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. It provides free information and treatment resources for all forms of eating disorders and promotes social attitudes that enhance a healthy body image and self-esteem.

    *   Beauty and the Beast Inside The term "body image" refers to how you see and feel about your appearance and how you believe others see you. It’s the way you view yourself when you gaze into a mirror which may not always be an accurate perception. Having a negative body image can lead to some serious mental health issues, such as eating disorders.

    Entrapment by a Cult

    *     If you have a relative or friend who, in your opinion, is being brainwashed and exploited by a group or individual, contact AFF Cultic Studies. They can also help victims of such treatment to recover.

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder
    *   Sam Vaknin runs a very extensive web site devoted to this problem: http://samvak.tripod.com/

    Menopause can be a thing of the past when you know how to effectively conquer it. Explore the Menopause and Black Cohosh Information Center today and learn everything you can about getting over Menopause. When you arm yourself with information, nothing can get in your way. Visit now!


    Physical injury    To recover physically and mentally from a severe injury, a person must find ways to stay positive and take care of their mental health. This article offers 12 ways to stay positive during recovery.

    Sleep disorders

       Sleep problems and cancer: Sleep disorders affect many of us, especially those with cancer. Insomnia affects 70% of cancer patients and 68% of cancer survivors. Also, those with existing medical conditions and sleep problems such as obstructive sleep apnea are 15% more likely to develop cancer. To help minimize the risk of developing sleep problems and cancer, Asbestos created this guide offering useful sleep tips for everyone looking to improve the sleep habits and patterns that contribute to healthy, and most importantly, consistent sleep.

       More than 1 in 5 Americans are sleeping worse than before the pandemic due to stress. Tommy John has created a guide on how to relax before bed to offer tips from sleep and mental health experts on how to soothe anxieties and limit stress.

       There are many reasons for poor sleep. Managing problematic sleep can be difficult, but there is an equally diverse number of potential treatment options available. This Guide to Medicine for Sleep Disorders details those potential treatment options, as well as defines some sleep disorders and what causes them.

       Check out this guide to insomnia which covers everything you need to know about the sleep disorder and offers helpful advice for managing and overcoming the condition.

    Sites of General Interest

       Zencare's Mental Health Resource Hub is a growing one-stop-resource for mental health. Learn about how to navigate health insurance, find free tools for stress and anxiety, articles for college students, parents, LGBTQIA+ folks, resources on depression and relationships. You can also find free downloadable materials on how to manage a panic attack in public, imposter syndrome, burnout and more. Whether you’re ready to find a therapist, or learn more about mental health, Zencare is here to help with wherever you are on that journey.

       While the "Do I Need Therapy? self-test doesn’t replace competent diagnosis, it will score you on the spectrum of the most common mental health concerns, including anxiety, PTSD, depression, and OCD. This article is designed to educate you and help you begin a conversation about mental health with your doctor.

       Visit a comprehensive list of 60 different Mental Health Resources produced by Social Work License Map, a social worker requirement explanation website.

       Bradley University has explanations of anxiety, depression, eating disorders and addictions. It is accurate and easy to understand.

       Nursing Student Mental Health Guide covers a wealth of information about mental health issues that can arise or be exacerbated secondary to the increased stress that students often face in nursing school. We also provide expert tips to overcome some of the unique challenges faced on the road to becoming a nurse. In addition, this guide is filled with wellness information to help students keep their health at the top of their priority list.

        Dr John Grohol runs Psych Central, a valuable resource both for sufferers and professionals. For example, there are many links, and also immediately helpful information to help those contemplating suicide.

        The Mental Health Net is a guide to online mental health, psychology and psychiatry. It is a useful resource both for the professional and for the sufferer.

       AtHealth is a site with valuable advice, including short articles by psychologists.

       This guide and printable journal page has important self-discovery questions everyone should be asking themselves each week. The questions encompass several specific aspects of life, including career, family, and love. Though it can be hard to take time out of our busy schedules to sit and think about our emotions, studies have shown that checking in with yourself regularly has a number of benefits, including reduced anxiety and depression. The journal page is a great way to remind yourself to regularly engage with these self-discovery questions.

    The stigma of mental health problems

    *    Counseling@Northwestern addresses the myth that mental illness is tied to violence, and provides individuals with strategies on how to be more critical of the content they consume. Read Mental Illness and Violence: How to Push Back on Dangerous Narratives.

    Help to Psychologists


    Lists of Therapy sites

    *    Martha Ainsworth has a wondeful site at http://www.metanoia.org/imhs/. She lists web sites where online therapy is offered. Before accepting a site, she personally checks it out, and her criteria are high. In addition to this list, she offers lots of resources both to therapists and to people seeking them.

    *    If you live in the USA, you can access a program called PhoneDisc http://www.phonedisc.com/ to locate just about everyone and everything, residential listing and business, sorted all kinds of ways. So you can find out if there is a psychologist in practice nearby.

    *    Don Carter, a young student, has assembled an excellent collection of links to counseling sites. This is only one page of his site...

    *Hypnotherapy Melbourne
    The Australian Centre of Hypnosis specialises in professional Hypnotherapy, located in Melbourne. They work with many physical and mental symptoms and re-empower a person.


    Hypnotherapy Melbourne Bruce Alexander is a Hypnotherapist based in Victoria, Australia, specialising in all forms of hypnotherapy.

    *   Advanced Hypnosis Lincoln: Rachael Eccles runs a busy practice offering hypnosis throughout Lincoln and Lincolnshire†to help you change, take control and reach your goals.† Anxiety relief, overcoming fears & phobias, successful weight loss and much more can be achieve through hypnosis.† Self hypnosis recordings are also available.

    * Cambridge Hypnotherapy 2 Empower is run by Emma-Louise Wilson, who is a compassionate, qualified, dedicated professional Clinical Hypnotherapist based in Cambridge, UK. She is a fully qualified and experienced NLP and Time Line Practitioner. She specialises in weight loss and smoking cessation.

    *   Cort Curtis has written a statement about his view of therapy. It was so good that with his permission I have posted it on my web site. You can visit Cort at http://www.achangeinthinking.com

    *Online Counseling at The FOCOS Counseling Center offers online counseling associated with depression, anxiety, anger. The FOCOS Counseling Center also offers couple counseling, parent counseling and life coaching. Counselor credentials are viewable within the site.

    *   Online counselling and marriage counselling for marriage, family, relationship, personal, workplace problems. Email counseling and therapy. Online counsellor for your counseling needs. Relationship & marriage help.

    *   Jef Gazley http://www.asktheinternettherapist.com/ is a member of the same list. He also impresses me with his abilities.

    *Eddie Lester runs Oxford Hypnotherapy in the UK. He is also associated with Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy UK, a list of links, resources and information for hypnotherapy in the UK. Includes a free directory for hypnotherapists.

    *Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Training Course in Christchurch, New Zealand www.hypnotherapy-christchurch.co.nz

    * Marriage, Therapist, Counselor: Free Telehealth Resource. Contact a therapist now over your phone with no long distance internationally. Using our international IP phone network any one can contact a doctor on any phone for free with no long distance charges. Our server calls the patient and doctor directly.

    *Achieve with Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, EFT and NLP in Oxford, Oxfordshire
       Richard MacKenzie has an extremely successful practice in Witney Oxfordshire (UK) in which he has sessions with clients from all over the community in the South-East of England. He is a firm believer that you should leave one of his sessions feeling completely empowered to make the life that you have always dreamt of for yourself! Using the latest techniques, Richard aims to help you set and achieve your goals and to enjoy life in full. Stop smoking, lose weight and learn stress management with Richard MacKenzie today at - www.richardmackenzie.co.uk.

    * www.mind-works.co.uk The Mind Works, Hypnotherapy and NLP for private and corporate clients. Terry Doherty internationally recognized hypnotherapist and performance coach.

    *   Ewa Schwarz runs http://www.onlinecounseling.org/: an alternative online counseling service for personal growth and self-exploration with a focus on privacy and security. Counseling is provided through an intuitive and individuated process that replaces judgments and negative self-talk with new positive processes and perceptions.

    *    Therapy Online is a Canadian service offering online counseling to Canadians. The site contains lots of interesting information, including an argument for the superiority of email over face-to-face counseling in some situations.


    *    Ecopsychology is partly what my site is about (read my essay). Greenwich University offers a formal course on this subject. Positive psychology

    *   Walking meditation is an enjoyable way of improving your wellbeing. Learn about its many physical and mental health benefits at StudyCorgi.

    *   Here you will find 17 positive psychology measures that will improve your life, whatever your circumstances. There are also 6 printable mantras you can use as visual reminders.

    Psychology courses

    *   CounselingDegreesOnline.org is a comprehensive resource dedicated to a spectrum of both undergraduate and graduate counseling education programs from accredited universities. Research guides include information on careers in counseling, as well as quantitative comparisons for different counseling degree programs from multiple schools.

    *   BestColleges.com has researched the top online masters in psychology that can advance your career in psychology and prepare you for doctoral studies in the US. These web-based programs are delivered in a flexible format that ensures you'll be able to work throughout your masters program. You can find more information here.

    *   Maryville University has a good plain-language page on teenage mental health issues, as a way of attracting people to view their psychology courses.

    *   To support the growing needs of children and teens, OnlineCounselingPrograms.com has researched all over the internet for resources on mental health and education related topics from sexual identity to study skills. We've created an ultimate resource of lists, articles, guides, videos, and more to help parents, teachers, professionals, and children and teens themselves to assist in social, academic, behavioral, and emotional development. https://onlinecounselingprograms.com/resources/ultimate-guide-to-mental-health-and-education-resources/


